Qwerty Travel
Constance Abad Founder Qwerty travel

I have been in the field of tourism for more than 20 years, enough time to be very aware of the needs and requirements of travelers. Now I am your travel specialist and the future designer of "dream tours".

With my deep knowledge of the rich culture and history of South America, I can recommend hidden gems and off the beaten path destinations that will allow you to experience the true essence of those countries. Whether you are traveling as a couple, family, friends, or a work team, I can create a custom adventure that will create lasting memories.

I see traveling as a way to broaden your knowledge, learn about cultures and immerse yourself in local experiences; that is why my mission is to ensure that you receive unique and tailor-made travel experiences and our goal is that our guests leave with a bit of our love for the country and its people.



About Us

We are a travel and tourism company formed by professionals with over 20 years of experience in the industry. We have worked in renowned local and international companies, which has provided us with extensive knowledge and expertise in the field.

In our approach, being excellent hosts is paramount. We strive to offer personalized and warm attention to all our travelers, using our expertise to ensure that their travel experience is unique and unforgettable. We take pride in creating a welcoming atmosphere and making them feel at home, even despite the distance.

As local experts, we understand the needs and demands of each traveler. Our goal is to design tailor-made trips that address all their concerns, starting from scratch. Furthermore, being locals, we are delighted to offer our advice and recommendations to all our clients.

The satisfaction of our passengers is the result of our work, which drives us to continue growing and developing our activities based on our fundamental pillars: quality, travel development, and sustainability.


Prepare your curiosity and embark on a journey that will ignite your senses.
We believe true exploration goes beyond visiting iconic places;
it's about immersing yourself in vibrant cultures,
savoring diverse flavors that will delight your palate,
and seeking exciting adventures in majestic natural settings.
We connect people from all cultures and continents,
breaking down barriers and building bridges.

At every step of our journey, we are guided by the passion to make a difference.

Welcome to Qwerty Travel!

Don't miss out on our experiences!

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Partner ARGENTINA qwerty-travel-argentina Partner Viviv Travels qwerty-travel-argentina Partner Tripadvisor qwerty-travel-argentina Partner TravelStride qwerty-travel-argentina Partner Aviabue qwerty-travel-argentina
Partner ARGENTINA qwerty-travel-argentina Partner Viviv Travels qwerty-travel-argentina Partner Tripadvisor qwerty-travel-argentina Partner TravelStride qwerty-travel-argentina Partner Aviabue qwerty-travel-argentina